Four Gold Medals for Entimio at Prestigious EVOO IOOC 2021
Posted on May 22, 2021

It's that particular time of the year when international olive oil competitions announce the coveted results. I am super proud and jumping-happy to announce Entimio won 4x gold medals out of 4x olive oils enrolled at the prestigious EVO IOOC 2021 International Competition hosted in Southern Italy.
With these 4x Gold Medals, we celebrate two classics and two new additions:
1) Entimio Cortese - one of the pillars of our collection, a medium organic extra virgin olive oil, ideal for delicate fish and vegetables;
2) Entimio Distinto - another pillar of the Entimio family, a medium-robust extra virgin olive oil (lab tested free from pesticides and chemicals) perfect for traditional Tuscan dishes such as tomato bread soup and vegetable soup
3) Entimio Italiano - our latest addition and most delicate of the family, a mild (still with a "Gold" character!) and more versatile companion for all healthy organic cooking and finishing needs; an incredible value proposition, addictive!
4) Entimio Forte - other 2020/21 addition, a robust organic EVOO, for those beans and meat lovers who like a rich flavor with a peppery finish prevailing over the bitterness
Keep your eyes and ears open for more announcements, and we hope you will cheer for your favorite Entimio olive oil as we await more awards news over the next couple of weeks; fingers crossed!
A big "Thank you!" goes to all our producers, which allow us to choose the best of their best crop to become Entimio EVOOs, year after year, even though that means more effort for less quantity.
We strive for the best quality because that is what makes us tick and because you deserve the best!
Enjoy great EVOOs with Entimio!